Sirius And Saba

SIRIUS AND SABAHamish Hamilton. 1981

Sirius And Saba
The writing provides us with a model of clear and simple prose yet manages to be both evocative and poetic. The illustrations too, capture perfectly the timeless, melancholic beauty of the tropics and make this a gem of a book, something of a collector’s item.Children’s Book Bulletin

The author describes vividly in words and pictures the flavour and colour of the island, writing in a gentle, flowing style and the illustrations are beautiful. A book which gives a real sense of atmosphere.British Book News

Sirius and SabaSirius and Saba

Sirius Indoors
Sirius Row Boat
Sirius and Saba Shanty
Sirius and Saba Parrots
Sirius Cactus
Sirius Pitons
Sirius and Saba


Black and White Cat
Snow Goose
Bears Dream